Friday, March 11, 2011

Orange and Cardamom Shortbread

Last Saturday consisted of:
-a ridiculous(ly awesome) outfit (see below)
-baking in said outfit
-Lovecraft-ian board gaming with friends while enjoying aforementioned baked goods

Cardamom is a spice common in both Swedish and Indian food. As a Swede, nothing can bring to mind Christmas like the smell of cardamom, so to give the shortbread a flavor that felt closer to spring I looked for a recipe that included citrus. I whipped up some orange flavored icing to sandwich between the cookies, but this may have been a little overwhelming. Next time I will try dipping the short bread in quality dark chocolate. Mmmmm.

Dala horse + Unicorn = Dalacorn!

Eat your heart out.

Sweet "leather" jacket only $7!!
Also, if Micheal Jackson and Lucille Ball decided to share their wardrobes, they might have crafted an outfit like mine.
