Wednesday, March 30, 2011

December 2010 to March 2011 Sketch Deposit

Shortly after the holidays, I picked up a spankin' new sketch pad from Borders. The brand is Piccadilly which (I think) is meant to look like the Moleskine brand of all things paper, but at a lower price point. The 7"x9" pad was on sale for something like six dollars, so I snapped it right up (and honestly, I should go back for more)! It features a durable "leather" outside, a ribbon page marker, a sturdy elastic to hold the cover down, and a back pocket to store other small papers in. If I had a larger bag it would definitely fit comfortably in there.
I've used ink, marker, gouache, pencil, Prismacolor colored pencils inside. To be safe I've only been drawing on one side of the page to see what each does to the paper. Marker does go through to the other side and the ink did too, although to a lesser degree. Gouache wrinkles the pages, even without much water. The paper lends itself to smudging, so if you are trying to keep a pencil sketch clean make sure to elevate your hand. Other than that I've been very pleased with the pad!

Here are a of my faves:

Boston Terriers! I still want one.

After a photograph from Nylon Magazine.

I want to see Sucker Punch. Also, testing out stamps from San Jose!

After a photograph from Glamour Magazine.
