Wednesday, April 6, 2011

West Coast Adventures

It has been over two weeks since my jaunt to the West Coast, and I am not sure which I miss more, my sister (who lives out there and was the impetus for said journey) or the beautiful landscape/Californian lifestyle. L definitely has a good thing going for herself out there. To name a few benefits of her shiny new life:

1. She is less dependent on a car out there than she was at home- Weather permitting, we biked/walked or took public transportation as often as possible.

L guards our valiant steeds.

2. She fills her apartment with delicious/healthy/organic food-experimenting in her kitchen yielded tasty/guilt free fun (coconut flour birthday cake with raw frosting!!). (Thanks to Fi for the link!)

We experimented with the magical properties of Miracle Fruit. Go get some now!!

3. She has a beautiful balcony- Mornings were spent wrapped in blankets (not quite summer out there yet), drinking French Vanilla tea, while discussing our art endeavors and inspirations. We even saw a double rainbow. (What does it mean?)

Tips for those trying to save moo-lah: go to American Apparel and sample their nail polishes, a different color for each nail. Instant Free Rainbow Manicure!

4. She is surrounded by GIGANTIC mountains-Well, perhaps they were "hills" by Californian standards but compared to CT the landscape was monumental. My next visit will surely entail much hiking.

My impression of Maria.

5. She is less than an hour from San Fransisco-A charming city to be sure. I definitely prefer the overwhelming sense of life that exists in NYC (it has set the standard for what a City is to me), but San Fran was beautiful. It felt manageable in size; I never felt "lost". If we had come earlier in the week, when we had more disposable income, I'm sure we could have seen more of the sights. As it was, we spent most our day at the MOMA (highly recommended. My favorite: the current exhibit on how Wine influenced different aspects design, from architecture to glassware) and hid from the rain at a touristy pub near the Fisherman's Wharf (bummer: they added their own tip onto L's tab. Not cool. But the Guinness was good I suppose.). The one thing I regret not doing was riding the cable car, but it was $5 for one ride and we were spent by then (I think they have day passes of unlimited rides for $13, but more research is needed on this!).

Surprisingly, the Golden Gate isn't the only suspension bridge in San Fran. A view of the Oakland Bay Bridge.

Other highlights: In and Out Burger, Oh My Sushi, Farmer's Markets, and giant crepes!

I cannot wait to go back! To be with my family in such a beautiful part of the United States was a wonderful gift. But for now I suppose I will have to keep California Dreamin'.