Friday, July 1, 2011

Eden of the East

It could just be that I'm getting old, but I find it very hard lately to care about anime. The general consensus among my friends and myself is that "They just don't make 'em like they used to". So when a show piques my interest I feel it is worth noting and sharing. Such was the case with Eden of the East (not to be confused East of Eden).

It took me about two days to watch the eleven episode series. There are two movies as well but Netflix only offers the first. I plan on watching it soon.

The form: The animation is good; it looks consistent (as someone who grew up with the erratic animation from Sailor Moon, this is an important quality), has its own style (didn't look like a carbon copy of other series I've seen), and the colors palette is great (purples, oranges, golds). Another note, American voice acting has much improved since my formative years.

As for the content, I like how "of the moment" the series feels, which probably means it won't stand the test of time, but there is sense of dislocation and detachment that is immediate and relatable. The show doesn't consist of young girls mooning over demon boys; it's about 20 somethings trying to find their place in an aging, unstable economy. And one of them happens to be an amnesiac with a magic phone. The series felt real...

Yeah, that non-sequitur took me out of the show a bit, but overall it is worth watching. If you like Jason Bourne-esque mystery and social commentary, this show might be for you.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go yell at those damn kids for walking on my lawn.

1 comment:

  1. Eden of the east is one of my favorite series but i had the same reaction with the wings thing, i had no idea what was going on... but i also like your drawings it made me want to read more! :)
