Sunday, July 10, 2011

Taking a Break

It turns out there is a downside to spending so much time with my shiny, new laptop. Specifically, my eyes have become dry, red, and irritated. Therefore I won't be posting until my eyes rehydrate. The recovery plan is to:

-Get out more (I've been inside too much. And it's summer! I should be outside!)
-Limit online browsing to an hour (A friend describes the internet as a rabbit hole, and I fall into it waaaay to easily.)
-Take eye breaks during long bouts of computer aided drawing
-Use eye drops for contacts (in four years of wearing contacts, I rarely use drops. I'm even worse at carrying my lens case around)
-Wear glasses when using the computer for long periods
-Get a paper sketch pad (I've gone almost a month without one!!!)

Sounds good to me! How do you deal with staring at a screen for hours?

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